Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentJw_disqus has a deprecated constructor in /home/demoline/public_html/smartaddons/saphi/plugins/content/jw_disqus/jw_disqus.php on line 19
- دسته: Explore
- منتشر شده در چهارشنبه, 08 تیر 1390
- بازدید: 662
Yt Framework uses xml file to render your layout. The framework supports all general features of a joomla template. The below is the list of features:
- Multiple Layouts: Left-Main-Right, Left-Main, Main-Right, etc. With xml file, you can easy to create some layouts for a joomla template
- Mobile Ready
- Table-less Layout
- Search Engine Friendly
- Modules Types
- Cross-browser Support
- Typography
- Validation
- Template Parameters
- Google Font
- Font Size
- RTL language support